Recently I acquired a nesting bug- commonplace around our house once the weather turns frosty. As a result, I decided that the extra bedroom needed a revamp.
As a result of my first Saturday off work (yay!), I thought I'd spend some time with my sweet husband. Instead he had plans to scream at the tv for four hours during the Ironbowl... Plan B was to enjoy the sunshine we've had so little of recently.
I love fall more than anything. The crisp air, the changing of the leaves, the feel of fresh pumpkin goo in my palm- well ok, I'm sure you were on board until that last one.
I have this fantasy of using exclusively all natural products in every facet of my life and eliminating those nasty harsh chemicals and preservatives from my cleaning products, food, makeup, etc. It's so trendy these days to eat organic and go all natur-al, but quite honestly I'm just really freaked out by all the chemicals that are so prevalent in our lives.
Hello & welcome! This blog poses to be a sort of hodge podge of interests. My hobbies are sorted & eclectic. As a result, prepare to join me in talks (& the occasional rant) about everything from gardening to beauty to finances (yes, I'm going there...) to trying to live a healthier lifestyle to my dogs (you should probably prepare yourself for lots of obnoxious photos). So sit back & enjoy the ride...